Thursday, April 24, 2008

php.ini อยู่ไหน

PHP 4.3 and Mac OS X
Subject: where is php.ini
Date: 2003-01-17 00:45:01
From: anonymous2

Anyone know where php.ini is installed after completing this process? I couldn't find it in /etc or /usr/lib/php.

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  • where is php.ini
    2003-02-28 18:40:14 tychay [Reply | View]

    The default compile of php no longer installs a php.ini file.

    There are two included with the php distribution php.ini.dist and php.ini.recommended(?).

    The place to put the config file is in /etc/php.ini (if using Apple's directives) or /usr/local/etc/php.ini (if using the default configure, or Mark's compile). The quick way to find out (assuming php4.3+) is

    bash-2.05a$ php -r "phpinfo();" | grep Configuration
    Configuration File (php.ini) Path => /etc

    If you can't do that (because you are using pre 4.3, for shame!) then try the script another post mentioned.

    Hope this helps,

    terry chay
    tychay at php dot net
    • where is php.ini
      2005-06-10 07:46:19 zicco [Reply | View]

      if php -r does not work for your vertion of php, you can do (Linux only):

      echo ""|php |grep Configuration

บน linux
หาได้โดย php -r "phpinfo();" | grep Configuration หรือ echo ""|php |grep Configuration ดีเนอะ

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